Some of us will have a genetic pre-disposition to developing memory problems in the future, either because of a family history of dementia, or because we carry a specific gene identified to increase our risk of dementia in the future (APOE gene).
However, it is thought that up to 40% OF CASES of memory problems can be improved through improving our LIFESTYLE.
Studies show that several actions in the daily life may help prevent dementia.
1. INCREASE HEALTHY EATING- increasing our portions of fruit, vegetables and fibre in our diet. 1 portion is equivalent to 80g and we should have 8-10 portions per day at a minimum.
2. MOVING MORE- The World Health Organisation recommends 30 mins of moderate activity (activity that increases your heart rate) at a minimum of 5 times per week
3. SOCIAL INTERACTION- meeting friends, joining local clubs/groups, playing with the children/grandchildren
4. ACTIVITIES THAT KEEP THE BRAIN ENGAGED e.g. reading or doing crossword puzzles, doing something NEW to activate neurons in the brain.
These measures are applicable to all of us, regardless of age, because changes we make now will help us 10/15 years later.
Health Screening is essential to identify ways to maximise your health and pick up potential problems early, when treatment is much more likely to be successful.
IMAGE- picture of my father keeping the social interaction up with his granddaughter!